Reorder Checks

Fast, Easy and Secure!

Discovery provides two easy ways to reorder checks:

Reorder Checks Online

  1. Locate the Deluxe Corp. personal check reorder form in your checkbook
  2. If you don’t have the check reorder form, use a current check as a sample
  3. Order at the Deluxe website: Reorder Checks

For security reasons, you cannot change any of the printed information on your checks online. To update your check information, contact Discovery: call (610) 372-8010 or (800) 563-9383 or visit our office

Reorder at our Discovery office

Visit Discovery at 2744 Century Blvd. in Wyomissing, PA and fill out a reorder form. Be sure to bring in a sample of your current checks. When you visit, you can update your check information, such as a name or address change. You can also call us with updates: (610) 372-8010 or (800) 563-9383.

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